
The formal human systems laboratory is actively soliciting Ph.D. students and Post Docs with an interest in human performance modeling and a strong background in formal methods, computer science, computer engineering, or applied mathematics. Interested applicants should contact
Matthew L. Bolton for more information.

Lab Director

Matthew L. Bolton, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Systems and Information Engineering
University of Virginia

EMail: matthewbolton at
Curriculum Vitae:
Google Scholar:

Students and Personnel

Current PhD Students

Elliot Biltekoff

Giovanna Camacho

Yeonbin Son

Current Masters Students

Kevin Byrne

Skye Solace Taylor

Olivia Claire Rose

Omkar Bhat

Former PhD Students

Xi Zheng

Xiaomei Wang

Jiajun Wei

Kylie Molinaro

Adam Houser

Meng (Felix) Li, Ph.D.

Bassam Hasanain, Ph.D.

Former MS Students

Pengyuan Wan

Corey Hall, M.S.

Joseph Johnson, M.S.

Sade Singleton, M.S.

Former Undergraduate Students

Emma Crooks

Rachael Steegmann

Former Visiting Students

Thomas Darget, ENSEEIHT

Charly Rab, ENSEEIHT

Imane Mellouli, ENSEEIHT

Dan Pan, Tsinghua University

Victor Proto, ENSEEIHT

Contact Information


Matthew L. Bolton
The Department of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Virginia
151 Engineer's Way
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Email:matthewbolton at
Office:101E Olsson Hall
Phone:  (434) 243-7699